Saturday, 5 May 2007

The Theology of Doctor Who

This is a loose collection of thoughts which could be better if given more time, but it might be useful as it is.

I find an element of Doctor Who each week is usually aligned in some way with Christian theology. This week (5 May) the Doctor encountered an 76 year old scientist who succeeded in making himself 40 again. Unfortunately the DNA manipulation did not stop there, and it resurrected latent genes which turned him periodically into a raving monster.

Part of the argument voiced by the Doctor against the monster was that death is a part of being human, saying that in living a long time people get tired.

An aspect of the issue was also reflected this week in the enhanced production by Boots of an anti-wrinkle cream which has been proven to work. Queues formed, and people in the queues did not want their photos taken by newspapers.

Jesus pointed us towards a relationship with God as the basis for our long term - eternal - security. He did not make light of the body, viewing it as sacred and given by God as a gift, so wanting to have smoother skin is not wrong. However, he emphasised the importance of faith and belief in himself above anxiety about our physical fate.

1 comment:

Alison said...

The Damaris Trust provides some commentary on Doctor Who from a Christian perspective - go to and scroll down for Doctor Who links.

They also published a book Back in Time: a thinking fan's guide to Doctor Who which discusses the 2005 series - more info at We have a copy if anyone wants to borow it.