Saturday, 15 September 2007

Countdown to Christmas

Am I the first person to point out that there are only 100 days until December 25th? If your first reaction is to utter a Scrooge-like "Bah, Humbug", then maybe a bit of retail therapy is required. But don't shop for yourself! Operation Christmas Child offers the ideal activity to focus on preparing for the Christmas season - by sending a message of hope to children in need around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes. Choosing gifts and then wrapping and filling a shoe box is a fun and rewarding activity – especially when you know these gifts are going to be used and treasured.

Operation Christmas Child enables caring individuals, churches, businesses, and other organisations to fill ordinary shoe boxes with small toys, school supplies, sweets, and other gifts for needy children around the world. Drop Off Points for the 2007 campaign will be open between November 4th and 20th. Want to learn more about the mpact of Operation Christmas Child - then watch the video or read some stories.

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