Sunday, 27 June 2010

Social Media: Blessing or Curse?

From the Desiring God blog:

Many have expressed concern that emerging social media will hinder authentic face-to-face gospel community, but Ed Stetzer (in an article titled The Blessings of the New Media) says Social Media can be a blessing to the local church in four ways:
  1. While social media does not provide community it can assist in building it.
  2. Social media can communicate news within the local church.
  3. Social media can communicate biblical, inspirational messages.
  4. Social media can better acquaint people with the life and ministry of public ministers.
Within the UK, Urban Saints are running the Totally Wired tour: "an essential seminar for all parents, church leaders, youth leaders and anyone who cares about young people and the technology revolution". This comes to Leicester on 1st July.

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